Tuesday, October 23, 2012

California Public Utilities Commission Grants NFSR’s Petition for Rehearing of Expo Crossing Approval

The decision of the Supreme Court to grant review of NFSR’s case comes on the heels of a recent decision by the California Public Utilities Commission which granted NFSR a rehearing of all Phase 2 Expo light rail crossings previously approved.  The CPUC rehearing will address NFSR’s contentions of CEQA non-compliance as well as unresolved safety concerns, and alleged improper procedure. The CPUC has responsibility for grade crossing safety throughout the state. 
Colleen Mason Heller, board member of both NFSR and the Cheviot Hills Homeowners Association said: “The dismal safety record of the Blue Line, which shares cars and track with the Expo line, suggests that Metro and Expo have failed to create a transportation safety culture that our communities can trust. Expo’s ability and intention to create a safe, well-designed and properly studied light rail must be seriously examined.”

ALJ's 10/23/12 Scoping Memo; Expo Authority's 11/9/12 Opening Brief; NFSR's 11/9/12 Opening Brief (PDFs).